Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Providence Student transferability: Real or Imagined?

I’m going to do some digging tomorrow. I’ve been seriously concerned about the Providence School system since I student taught at Central High School in 1999. One of my main concerns has always been parental involvement. At the Providence School system’s website they list among parental rights the following:

Their right to transfer their child to a better performing school, if eligible. Parents of children in Title I schools that fail to make “adequate yearly progress” (AYP) for two or more years have the right to request a transfer for their child out of that school and into a school that is making AYP, with transportation provided. Parents of children eligible for the Title I transfer option will be notified each school year of their option to transfer and the designated schools to which they may have their child transferred.

I have a few questions: 1. How many students are eligible to transfer? 2. How many students opted to transfer last year? 3. What schools were listed as ‘options’?

So, the plan is to call the Providence School Department tomorrow and see if I can get these answered and let you know about it. The critical element missing within the Providence School system is parental involvement and these statistics could prove very useful.


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